Thursday, May 26, 2011

Believe: Manchester United Will Beat Barcelona

We Have Done It Before And We Can Do It Again ...

With the Premier league over and won by Manchester United it's time to look ahead to, and relish, the prospect of an exhilarating clash between Europe's finest.

Barcelona Old Trafford 2008

I have heard doubts over whether United can do what Real Madrid could not and stop Barcelona. I do not share these doubts.

Manchester United have arguably hit their best form of the season in the last stretch, with notable highlights being convincing wins over Schalke to reach this point and a win over Chelsea to put them on the brink of the title. Many people may make the Spanish champions their favourites to enjoy Champions League glory due to their ability to rip a defence open on a whim, because they can pass a team to death, or maybe just because of the majestic Messi.

However I believe Barcelona actually have more to worry about than United and this Saturday should see a very different encounter to that of two years ago which saw Barcelona ease their way to the trophy

One key to United's chances will be the strength of captain Vidic at the back. As Madrid's Pepe found out, Barcelona have a knack for being able to get players sent off. I cannot see many ways of beating Barcelona with one less man as they look to outnumber teams with a full eleven men on the pitch, never mind ten. Therefore Vidic will have to keep his cool and not allow the pace and skill of Barcelona's attack to get the better of him. With Vidic on the pitch keeping arguably Europe's best defence organised and whole there is no reason why they can't stop Mr Messi.

Throughout the season I have questioned whether young Rafael is a wise choice for big matches. His inexperience can sometimes see him losing his head and lunging in to rash challenges. He also seems to be more of an attacking wing back than a full back sometimes seeing him leave a gap at the back. However as the season has gone on the lad has matured and quashed any doubts. The Brazilian's pace should be enough to see him help in attack and still cover his ground at the back. Therefore I think Rafael would be a solid choice for the final being able to help at both ends of the pitch.

Two years ago United's side seemed to be missing something like a hole in the head or rather more a consistently strong Scotsman. Winning the midfield game will be key against Barcelona. Darren Fletcher's suspension for the 2009 final saw the likes of Xavi, Iniesta and Busquets ruling the middle of the park without too much difficulty. A mystery virus has made Fletcher unavailable recently but he played a full 90 minutes against Blackpool and will hopefully be fully fit to face Barcelona this time around.

With his fantastic ability to break attacks up, win the ball and then move it forward Fletcher plays a vital part in the centre and will have a big say in who wins the battle of the midfield if fully fit on Saturday night.

Michael Carrick has shown vast improvement in the recent games, compared with his very much below average overall season. In the first leg against Schalke he broke play after play down from Schalke. Carrick is also a great passer of the ball and has the vision to bring others in to play, starting attacking moves. If Carrick plays with the same tenacity he has been of late he could match up perfectly with Fletcher to break the Barcelona midfield down and move the ball in United's favour.

Park Ji-Sung should be a definite starter for the final. Anyone who knows anything about Manchester United knows Park will give 90 minutes of running and hard work. This could be crucial on Saturday night. Park plays a pivotal role in that he can run at defences and look for an opening to play a ball, he will often be there to receive the ball, he gets himself in the box looking for the slightest chance to snap at, and with all that he is also a defender.

One of the best qualities of the nifty South Korean is that he will get back and help the full back more so than any other attacker. This may be a major factor when the opposition attacking is Barcelona, and more specifically when the attacker giving the full back a handful is Lionel Messi.

An attacker with the defensive capabilities, stamina and ruthless determination of Park may be what many of the teams trying to defend against the Argentinian wonder so far have been missing. As for the other flank, despite Nani's Player's Player of the Year award at United, I would still go with Valencia. Valencia will straight forward run at the Barcelona defence and look to get balls in to the forwards as well as look to get the ball from them in support. He also turned Ashley Cole inside out against Chelsea in a class act. This would also leave Nani on the bench as an impact substitution or the legs to bring on to help keep the ball as so often needed in Europe when United have the lead.

Javier Hernandez. Chicharito. Saturday will be the biggest match of this cheeky chappy's career so far. There is not much to say here that most United fans have not already said throughout the season.

Saturday could be his night. I'm sorry to put the immense pressure on him but Manchester United fans will be looking to him for a goal at some point during the night, I'm sure. The beauty is he can from nowhere make a run, breaking away from the defence at the crucial and perfect moment to bury a threaded ball. There is always a chance in any game of this Little Pea popping up to provide United with what they need. Something he has already done 20 times in his first season.

His name had to come into this somewhere. There is one very important factor in Saturday night. It is not coincidence when he plays better the team plays better. It is no coincidence when his season turned around United looked more on track for the title. Everyone will be looking to Wayne Rooney to drive United forward on Saturday. Against tough opposition, especially in Europe, especially away, Rooney has been played as a lone striker.

As I've already stated I see Hernandez as an important piece in the United jigsaw for the final and I do not think Rooney as a lone striker will get them anywhere. However due to the fact United will need to win the battle in the midfield Rooney will have an important role to play here.

He can drop back to get the ball immediately from the midfielders and look to bring the wide midfielders and Hernandez in to play or dare a driving run forward, as he does. Rooney when playing at his best has the ability to bring flair to a match from nowhere and this may be needed on Saturday if United find themselves with their backs against the wall.

Manchester United have done brilliantly to get this far and stand proud at the end of a successful league campaign. There is one more key component I have not yet mentioned, the best manager in the world. Hopefully at the end of an eventful season he can lead United to do what they couldn't two years ago, take the game to Barcelona and bring the trophy home.

Good luck United!