Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mourinho ‘goes nuclear’ with £95m Rooney bid

Jose Mourinho
 hasn't barely got his feet under the desk at Real Madrid, but already the Special One is causing palpitations amongst the managers of some of Europe's biggest clubs as he goes after their stars.
Although he has yet to come out and say publicly who his targets are Mourinho has already been linked with Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole and Maicon - although he has played down the speculation.
rooney wallpaper

Now the website is reporting that he could be about to 'go nuclear' and put in a world record £95m bid for Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney.
Sir Alex Ferguson will be bound to experience some 'squeaky bum time' as he waits to see if the club's owners, the unpopular Glazer family, decide that the offer is too big to refuse and pull the carpet from under Ferguson's feet and force him to accept.
Whether Sir Alex would accept United selling their most valuable assets for two years running is another matter. But Mourinho is apparently hoping that the widely-reported financial difficulties at Old Trafford will influence Ferguson's difficult decision.
If Rooney was to do the unthinkable and up sticks to Madrid then Ferguson could try and replace him with Serbia's 19-year-old Barcelona frontman Bojan Krkic, who would cost him £12m. 
With a new look front line of Krkic and Javier Hernandez, Fergie could well favour souping up his underpowered midfield with the rest of his transfer kitty.
Brazilian midfielder Paulo Henrique Ganso of Santos has been mooted as the man to help him do it, although intriguing whispers from the Mirror suggest it could also be the talented if injury prone Everton star Mikel Arteta.

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