Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ban For Rooney, Smile For Dalglish :FA is Biased ???

So then, according to reports "King Kenny" Dalglish will not be punished for swearing in front of a TV camera. What a surprise, not.

Daglish told Arsene Wenger to P*ss off during Sunday's clash with Arsenal in front of a global TV audience of millions. And yet the Liverpool manager will escape any further action. Compare and contrast the punishment dished out to Wayne Rooney who swore into the camera and yet the United striker was given a two game ban; one which conveniently meant that he missed last weekend's FA Cup semi-final with Manchester City. No wonder United fans are asking if the FA is rotten to the core and corrupt because David Bernstein just happens to be Man City's former chairman.

Following the Rooney incident there was a media campaign to get the player banned. It seemed the FA went looking for reasons why they could ban Rooney, but there was nothing which specifically stated anyone should receive a ban for swearing. It has been the exact opposite where Dalglish is concerned; the FA is looking for reasons why the Liverpool manager should NOT be banned... this is clearly selective and arguably unfair justice. 

United fans don't want Dalglish banned and we didn't want Rooney banned, because as every sensible commentator said at the time, this would open up a can of worms and so it has.

As things stand, the FA stand charged as a bunch of double dealing / self serving hypocrites. If Rooney was banned for swearing then surely there has to be consistency and so Dalglish has to be banned too. But do not hold your breath. 

Here's a prediction: The FA will eventually ban another player or manager, but it will be an act of tokenism and when it happens it will be someone with a lower profile. This action - if ever happens - will not justify the FAs unfair selective justice on this issue. As things stand, it is one rule for United and another for the rest.

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